A snapshot
• Over 1450 subsistence farming children attend ODA schools.
• Our eight schools are located in outlying villages between 10 – 60 kilometres out of Siem Reap.
• Hour long English classes are offered from Kindergarten to Intermediate level six nights per week.
• Introduction to Computers’ classes are offered at four ODA schools.
• Teachers are trained by the ODA schools manager and all are encouraged to participate in the ODA university support program in courses of their choice.
• Education Authority supervised ODA student English exams are conducted annually.
• On successful completion of their formal English Exam, students receive a certificate that includes both Education Authority and ODA logos.
• No Uniform = No Government School. The ODA Yearly Government School Uniform Fund helps around 700+ children access government school thanks to our very kind supporters.
Residential program
One of the ODA schools, ODA Central, has a residential component that provides education and care in a safe environment to disadvantaged children who have no other means of support.
Over 30 children are currently supported in this ‘home’ environment, including Leng and Sry On’s four biological children. They all attend regular Khmer school plus English, computer, Khmer culture and art classes at ODA Central.
The importance of Art
A Fine Arts degree and Art teaching behind him, Leng initially used the profits from his art sales to cover living and educational expenses for the residential students at ODA Central. With the expansion of ODA to include seven additional village schools, art lessons still form an integral part of the residential students’ education. The children’s’ creative works are featured in the onsite gallery at ODA Central and some have even featured in exhibitions overseas, thanks to our kind supporters. The profits from any sales are directed back with a percentage to the student artist and the remainder to ODA student support and education.