Leng's vision
When he was 5 years old, Leng attended English classes in the roof space of a house. He stole rice from his aunt to pay the teacher and learnt English in the dark so as not to alert the authorities. English classes were illegal then. On only the fifth night, they were discovered. Leng escaped, but his teacher was not so lucky, spending 7 years in jail.
It was then, at just five years old, Leng made a wish…that somehow he would help poor children to learn English free.
Opportunities of Development thru Art (ODA) is Leng's wish come true...
Our mission
Children here don’t lack intelligence,
just opportunity.
Subsistence farming is still the way of life for many families in Cambodia. A large number of children work on farms rather than attend government school.
ODA proudly helps create opportunities for children by providing free English language and computer classes in the outlying villages of Siem Reap. We know fluent English and computer skills are key to improving employment options in the local tourism and government sector.
Our eight schools offer kindergarten, night English and computer classes to over 1450 children who lack access to education. We also support our teachers to further their education.

Our achievements in numbers
Free English language and computer skills classes results in future employment and the lifeline of regular income for families.
1450 +
Attending English class
30 +
Receiving accommodation, food &
education at ODA Central School
700 +
Uniform sets gifted annually
35 +
Completing or graduated
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