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HELP VILLAGE KIDS TO A BETTER FUTURE -   These kids selfless dreams are truly inspirational. Their dreams are not about cars, houses and holidays for themselves. They only want to be able to help support their parents and siblings to three meals a day over the whole year. If they haven’t been able to attend government school, they are determined to help younger brothers and sisters to do so. Life is very tough by western nations standards and at ages 11 and 12 in most families, they understand they are expected to be working, if they aren’t already. Failed crops, droughts, disease and floods only compound their challenges.

YOUR KIND DONATION WILL REALLY CHANGE LIVES -  These youngsters are not afraid to work hard at something, they have been doing this their entire lives. They just need the education framework to make things happen themselves. Everything is changing in Cambodia now and without this, they can no longer flow on into paid employment.


RECURRING DONATIONS ALLOW US TO PLAN RESPONSIBLY -  These are an absolute lifeline to us. Meeting the funding needed to keep operations running daily is the single biggest challenge we face every month. Stable income gives us the ability to pay our teachers, other running costs and to plan ahead a little. It also allows us to respond to new curriculum level text/workbooks, stationery and other requirements in a timely manner. Use the Donate button to link to ODA's Paypal. 

SUCCESSES - Past graduates from ODA’s English programs have resulted in quality, stable salaried employment for these keen intelligent young people, or allowed them to start small businesses aimed around tourism needs. They continue to support parents and siblings who remain working the farms. Graduate students make Leng very proud when they come to tell him of their success and thank him very humbly for the free education that set them at the head of the queue for these positions.

CHALLENGES - Donations are the lifeline to these kids. As villagers begin to understand the changing climate that is Cambodia today, more and more students flock to our free schools. Our challenge is to stay afloat to ensure the education path is there for them until they are ready to apply for jobs.


LARGE FAMILIES - Large families are due to lack of birth control information and access. However, there is also a very practical side to it as well. With no stable village employment and no money for savings, these children will have to help farm the rice and in future, provide their parents  support as they age. Death due to motorbikes, farming and building accidents, landmine explosions, lack of funds to seek medical care, etc.,  are a very sad fact here, so not all offspring will survive or be able to provide for their own families. Rice plots are often barely big enough to provide food for a family for the full year and things like droughts and late rains can result in no food for several weeks until crops ripen or worse. Failed crops due to droughts, disease or floods are a disaster for them.


Read how these youngsters' dreams unfold in ODA’s newsletters. By clicking Submit you are electing to receive the ODA newsletter by email.

Opportunities of Development thru Art

Managed and supported completely by volunteers and our donors, ODA is a grassroots Registered Education NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation), formally established by Leng Touch in 2003.


His objective, together with his wife SryOn, is to offer improved employment opportunities through English and computer skill education to subsistence farming children in outlying villages. 

ODA is Reg. No 3275 with the Cambodian Government and Provincial Reg. No 171 Department of Education Youth and Sport of Siem Reap.


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